Soapy News!

As May approaches, there's a looming end to the availability of soapmaking classes.  It would be ideal to teach the classes year round, but spring and summer events are all consuming.  Inventory creation, boxing of product, and the physical act of being present at events makes scheduling tight.  I don't think I could squeeze another minute out of any Thursday-Friday-Saturday from May through October!  The good news is that now through May I plan on hitting the soapmaking classes hard! ...
  It's the time of year when the weather shifts, just minimally, but enough to make every farmer, gardener, and outdoor enthusiast get itchy. The air seems sweeter, softer, the sun feels warmer...and nature responds with green shoots of vegetation.  Nothing would be better than getting out to play in the dirt of the fields, garden, backyard, or woods. The goats adore the added minutes of sunshine.  Basking in the sun fits their job description, along with nibbling tender green...
This time of year is one of my favorites.  Not because of freezing temps, slower sales due to road conditions and general winter blahness, or the lack of sunlight.  It's my favorite time because I get to project events for the year. I plot out my calendar with a vengeance.  How many farmers markets to attend?  How many dates do I need employees and where?  And since I'm working to push into the Cities and create a customer base there, I'm...

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