20 Mar
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Boots, the domineering doe of the herd, started the 2022 kidding season with twin boys (bucklings). She is salty, sassy, and a well seasoned mother who is attentive and always very vocal with her kids. From the moment they are on the ground, she is incessantly bellering, yelling, and calling to them. She is "that" mom! I didn't think to check the girls on Friday morning like I regularily do during kidding season; I thought that they were all 2+ weeks...
16 May
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I have listed ten doelings for sale on Craigslist, and I have been rather shocked with the response. Yesterday I answered questions in emails and texts all market long regarding the animals for sale. Three baby girls left the barn today. One mama, Nellie, is really missing hers. Her baby was a little mutant. Some of my goats have little neck jewelry (wattles) located just below their jawline on their neck. This little girl was born with her neck wattles...
22 Jan
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So we all get to a point in the armpit of winter where we know we've had enough...not saying I'm there yet. Just sort of wondering when that will strike, you know? In the meantime, I've been revamping and working a re-brand...stay tuned for cuter, prettier, more polished labels on lip butters and soap boxes! With the re-branding is the re-working of GTINS (think a nationally recognized ID barcode) and fitting them to UPC-A format so that my retail suppliers...