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22 Jan
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So we all get to a point in the armpit of winter where we know we've had enough...not saying I'm there yet. Just sort of wondering when that will strike, you know?
In the meantime, I've been revamping and working a re-brand...stay tuned for cuter, prettier, more polished labels on lip butters and soap boxes! With the re-branding is the re-working of GTINS (think a nationally recognized ID barcode) and fitting them to UPC-A format so that my retail suppliers have less hassle with checkout. Yeah, I know...over 1500+ numbers to look at and revise.
I'm a lil' cross-eyed from it all.
There's an online loyalty program in place...lots of hours spent getting that hummer up and happy. Check that out at www.igoatsoap.com
In case you missed it, there was also a small price raise at the beginning of 2020 on products. I figure three price raises in 11 years is pretty reasonable! Gotta keep those goats well fed, and frankly, the prices of the raw materials I need to make soaps, lotions, and lip butters just keeps rising. Lots of computer time has been spent making the website + accounting software reflect the price update. Pancake butt, people...it's now a PANCAKE from all that delightful office chair time.
This time of year I also investigate and ponder which events to do for the summer season. Application forms are usually ponderous and certainly require pondering. HMMMMM. How were sales there last year? And, OH, doesn't that new event that just caught my eye sound fuhhhhnnn?! Literally hours go by as I'm sucked into forms and new event investigations.
Right now, there are goats getting ready to kid. NO KIDDING! Ha! Thirteen goats are wildly pregnant, all bellies are round and tight. Lucy looks to be the one to hatch hers first, but time will tell! I can always be surprised by a sneaky momma goat who launches her offspring without notice. It's nail biting for me...on this exact day last year it all started. My life revolves around my livestock when kidding starts.
My Airbnb is full! I have three wonderful guests that are cozy and content in their rooms and with their accommodations. They are all guys who work in the area, and so while the house is indeed full, they are low maintenance guests for the most part. Bathrooms still get cleaned on a daily basis, dishes done, and the routine vacuuming and dusting happens. Airbnb keeps me busy, too!
Production will start this week. I plan on popping down to the soap shed tonight and cranking up the tunes as I batch some soap up. Maybe I'll make some spring scents to give us all something to anticipate.
I am officially a one woman show. My part time employee moved to LaCrosse, and so I'm gonna flex my lady muscles and roll with this soap stuff solo for a while. I do have a high-schooler that is helping me--she folds boxes, trims soaps, and boxes and labels up soaps as needed. But...all winter events, production, and general day to day flow is ALL ME, friends! I'm learning to wrap my arms around it all, and will confess it was overwhelming, but is now empowering.
Lastly, my piano lessons are going strong! The roads and weather have been a little troublesome, but most of my lessons are hearty Minnesotans who grin and bear less than ideal roads to bring their kids for lessons. I still have openings, and am teaching Sunday through Wednesday in Byron, and Thursdays in St. Charles. Shameless plug for myself: Send your piano lesson referrals my way, please. There may be a soapy reward for doing so!
My mid-winter madness has just been keeping up with everything. I hunger for a vacation like a desert for water...but this routine keeps me moving and engaged with my life at this time. Curiosity makes me ask this: What is your mid-winter madness like?