06 Feb
- 4 Comment(s)
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This weather...the extreme changes! Fog, rain, freezing drizzle, snow, frigid temps; we've seen it all here at the farm the last two weeks. The thing that has been lacking is sunshine, and while the snow cover helps to amplify the weak light we get, I'm ready for a good, strong dose of vitamin D. It's what I call the armpit of winter. The same routines. The same daily patterns. It feels as if there are so few things to be...
01 Feb
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As I go about everyday life, rarely do I stop to think about what, how, or why I do the things that I do. Taking this rare weather experience as an occasion to share with you my daily routine has been fun. Eye opening, even! It gives me third person perspective about what my day really consists of, and an awareness of what is in every moment. My yoga instructor friends would call it mindfulness. It was deeply fulfilling to focus...
30 Jan
- 16 Comment(s)
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I spent most of last night and a fair portion of today letting myself grieve the loss of a goat. Shamrock, the goat the vet skillfully tended to, died. I knew that it was a possibility. I was aware of the risk, but wanted to give her every opportunity to survive and thrive, so the vet was called. She was my oldest goat, and frail in her own way. This last stressful episode of being off feed, having a dead baby stuck...