Peachy French Vanilla

Baby Goat - Peachy French Vanilla
The best way to describe this bar delicious! Two tantalizing scents blended together create one scrumptious concoction. If you like to eat fruit with some cream, this bar is sure to please you with its sweet smell. This discoloration in the bar is due to the French Vanilla fragrance oil; I refuse to use synthetic colors/pigments in my soaps.
The best way to describe this bar delicious! Two tantalizing scents blended together create one scrumptious concoction. If you like...
Guest Beaded - Peachy French Vanilla
Sold Out
The best way to describe this bar delicious! Two tantalizing scents blended together create one scrumptious concoction. If you like to eat fruit with some cream, this bar is sure to please you with its sweet smell. This discoloration in the bar is due to the French Vanilla fragrance oil; I refuse to use synthetic colors/pigments in my soaps.
The best way to describe this bar delicious! Two tantalizing scents blended together create one scrumptious concoction. If you like...
Guest Floral - Peachy French Vanilla
Sold Out
The best way to describe this bar delicious! Two tantalizing scents blended together create one scrumptious concoction. If you like to eat fruit with some cream, this bar is sure to please you with its sweet smell. This discoloration in the bar is due to the French Vanilla fragrance oil; I refuse to use synthetic colors/pigments in my soaps.
The best way to describe this bar delicious! Two tantalizing scents blended together create one scrumptious concoction. If you like...
Standing Goat - Peachy French Vanilla
The best way to describe this bar delicious! Two tantalizing scents blended together create one scrumptious concoction. If you like to eat fruit with some cream, this bar is sure to please you with its sweet smell. This discoloration in the bar is due to the French Vanilla fragrance oil; I refuse to use synthetic colors/pigments in my soaps.
The best way to describe this bar delicious! Two tantalizing scents blended together create one scrumptious concoction. If you like...

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