Gardenia Guest

Guest Beaded - Gardenia
Sold Out
A classy, elegant scent that is the queen among my floral scented bars! This scent is every inch what a gardenia scent should be; feminine, intoxicatingly sweet, and reminiscent of the freshly bloomed, white, waxy, beautiful gardenia. Purchase for the princess or queen in your social circles!
A classy, elegant scent that is the queen among my floral scented bars! This scent is every inch what a...
Guest Floral - Gardenia
Sold Out
A classy, elegant scent that is the queen among my floral scented bars! This scent is every inch what a gardenia scent should be; feminine, intoxicatingly sweet, and reminiscent of the freshly bloomed, white, waxy, beautiful gardenia. Purchase for the princess or queen in your social circles!
A classy, elegant scent that is the queen among my floral scented bars! This scent is every inch what a...

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