Product Detail

Standing Goat - Scent & Fragrance Free


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The best thing for sensitive skins! If you know you react to fragrances/scents, and have issues with your commercially made bars, PLEASE put this bar in your basket. I have had some truly surprising feedback from my customers about what this bar has done for their sensitive skins, and would appreciate your feedback, too!

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Heather M
Scent & fragrance-free soap works great!

I had really been struggling for about one year, trying to find a soap that my skin could handle. I finally got lucky, and discovered Simple Soaps at Rochester's Thursdays on 1st. I was desperate to find a fragrance-free soap that my skin could not freak out to... so I decided to give this one a shot. Thank goodness ~it finally worked! I continued to buy more goat soap during the summertime. I am incredibly thankful that I discovered the website (as I'd lost the card). This soap woks perfectly for my very sensitive skin. No irritation finally, which certainly makes it worth every penny.!! I am hooked. 🙂 The great service is like icing one the cake 😉

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