Product Detail

Lavender Bloom - Soothing


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After a long day at work, come home and settle into the tub with this soap! Lavender essential oil is noted for being a wonderful adaptogen, which means that it restores the body's balance. Anti-fungal and antibacterial in nature, Lavender essential oil is so fascinating! Traditional scent lovers adore this soap; if you haven't treated yourself to this scent yet, now is the time to luxuriate in it!

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Robert Leonard
Excellent Dual Use

I love the smell of lavender which led me to choose this bar of soap. This soap is wonderful. It leaves your skin, clean, smooth and smelling with the scent you choose. It’s my first experience using goat milk based soap and I was pleasantly surprised.
I had been experiencing a dry itchy scalp for some time and decided to try the soap on my hair. Not only has the itching subsided, but the soap left my hair very soft.
So, now I have a dual use for this soap and I couldn't be more pleased with my choice to try this product. And yes, this review is being done by a man.🤠

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