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Hand Lotion Tube - Summer


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Get your summer on with this solid hand lotion! This is a fresh, citrus-y, summer-y blend of orange, tangerine, and grapefruit, and will make you want to find your swimsuit and sunglasses, grab your towel, and head for the beach! It is by far the best selling seasonal solid hand lotion; be sure to stock up on this before the sweet days of summer end!

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Nice product, nice smell

I love the idea of a lotion stick because I can moisturize the backs of my hands at work without getting greasy lotion on my fingers and all over my computer. The "summer" scent smells like chocolate-covered cherries.

Sara Morris
Who knew!!

I didn’t even know I needed “solid” lotion until I was trying to get frozen lotion out of a bottle in my car. I ordered this lotion and it is AMAZING!! It smells amazing and rubs on so smooth! Even when it’s been cold car overnight And now I have to order more cause sometimes you need lotion on your feet or elbows or knuckles but don’t want it all over your hands. I’m going to order one with essential oils for my dogs paws too- they get so dry and cracked in the winter, this will work perfect!I

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