Product Detail

Goat Milk Label - Lemongrass


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The lemongrass bar is quickly becoming one of my personal favorites; it has the citrus-y zing of lemon with a pleasant green, grassy overtone. Here are some interesting facts about this flavorful bar: Lemongrass is stimulating, invigorating, and great for helping relieve stress-related issues because it has a sedative effect on the central nervous system. It is also useful in easing fatigue, and research has shown that it stimulates gland secretions and muscles that aid in digestion. On the skin, Lemongrass shows to be effective in tightening large/open pores, but on sensitive skins Lemongrass can be an irritant. Traditional Indian medicine used Lemongrass to combat illness and fever. Got the winter blahs? Feeling stressed? Try this newest addition to the soap family here, and see if the citrus twist of Lemongrass can turn your frown upside down!

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Brenda Beckman
Awesome goat soaps!

It was the best day when I met and learned about these wonderful soaps. Washing my hands excessively during the day due to my line of work had my hands terribly dried out. I have used goat milk products going forward. It has helped tremendously!! Thanks fir all you do!

Curtis Huber
GOAT- Greatest Soap of All Time

Lemongrass is Always a favorite. No better smell to start the day, fresh and full of promise. Love the simple design as well.

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