Product Detail
For the men and women who love to be outdoors, this bar is pleasantly scented to smell like the woods. It is my special blend of pine, cedar wood, and juniper essential oils. A touch of bergamot to round the scents out, and you have the most extraordinary pine bar around!
Pine essential oil is antiseptic, anti-fungal, and detoxifying. It's a great addition to your household cleaning mix for those reasons, but an even better aid for the the emotional atmosphere of the area you cleaned! It is reviving to the physical and emotional spirit, restoring and balancing to nervous exhaustion. Some say Pine can be cleansing and healing for depression and hopelessness.
Cedarwood, another woodsy scent, eases any discomfort from respiratory problems, treats dandruff and oily skin, has a strong anti-bacterial action, and is also an insecticide (that's why there were cedarwood chests!). Emotionally, Cedarwood is noted for calming anxiety, and diffusing fear.
Juniper, the last of the woodsy scents in this bar, has some unique properties. Juniper is antimicrobial for a wide range of bacteria (airborne, staph, strep, etc.). Juniper Oil is said to help recover from hangovers. It may also be helpful with arthritis and rheumatism. In skincare it is said to aid in balancing oily skin and hair. Energetically, Juniper is said to clean the atmosphere of a room, clearing negativity from rooms or from people; some recommend its use for meditation, centering, and drawing loving energy. Physically, Juniper Berry Oil is considered a diuretic and is often included in anti-cellulite blends. It is especially important in detoxifying blends because it is said to help with recovering from too much rich food or drink.
Bergamot oil is what flavors Earl Grey Teas. It fights fatigue due to stress, tensions, and anxiety, and is alleged to strengthen the immune system. This essential oil is emotionally encouraging, uplifting and balancing to the spirit; some recommend Bergamot oil as a treatment for herpes, shingles, eczema and psoriasis.
Quit hunting for the outdoor-sy scent that suits your needs, and put this soap in your cross-hairs. This soap is your trophy!